أولمبياد باريس - الجندي وسارة سمير يرفعان علم مصر في حفل الافتتاحخريطة حفل افتتاح دورة الألعاب الأولمبية باريس 2024ترامب يعلن عن إصدار كتاب جديد بعنوان ”أنقذوا أمريكا”46 طلب إحاطة و5 مشروعات قوانين.. ننشر حصاد لجنة القوى العاملة بالبرلمانمحافظ الإسماعيلية يعتمد تعريفة الركوب الجديدة للسرفيس والتاكسى.. صورشعبة المخابز: سعر الخبز المدعم لن يتأثر بتحريك السولار والرغيف بـ20 قرشاتعليق الملاحة فى مطار فرانكفورت بعد اقتحام ناشطين من أنصار البيئة المدرج«إحنا أرخص أسعار في المنطقة»، أول تعليق من «البترول» بعد زيادة البنزين.. فيديوجلوبال بترول: مصر فى المركز الـ4 للدول الأرخص عالميًا فى أسعار البنزينلجنة تسعير المنتجات البترولية تقرر تحريك أسعار البنزين”حقوق الإنسان ” بالبرلمان تلتقي وزير الشؤون النيابية ومساعد وزير الخارجية لحقوق الانسان لمناقشة تقرير مصر للمراجعة الدورية الشاملة.رئيس قوي عاملة النواب يهنئ الرئيس السيسي بمناسبة ذكرى ثورة ٢٣ يوليو
بوابة البرلمان

    رئيس التحرير أحمد الحضري

    السبت 27 يوليو 2024 04:50 صـ

    Audi Maintenance Guide in Sharjah: Keeping Your Luxury Car in Top Shape

    بوابة البرلمان

    Possessing an extravagant car like an Audi in Sharjah addresses eminence and energy. Notwithstanding, keeping such a vehicle requires careful meticulousness and successive fixes to ensure it stays in superb shape. In this point-by-point support guide, we'll go over the principal activities that each Audi proprietor in Sharjah ought to follow to keep their cherished vehicle working without a hitch.

    Regular Servicing:

    One of the main parts of Audi's upkeep is adhering to the maker's proposed adjusting plan. Audi autos have specific help spans demonstrated in the proprietor's handbook, which are, in many cases, subject to mileage or time. There are different endorsed Audi administration areas in Sharjah, each with proficient specialists prepared to handle your vehicle with absolute attention to detail. Normal help arrangements permit you to address any potential worries right off the bat and keep your Audi running at maximized efficiency.

    Fluid Checks and Changes:

    Audis, like other vehicles, rely on fluids to function correctly. Regularly inspecting and changing essential fluids such as engine oil, coolant, transmission fluid, and brake fluid is critical to the longevity of your Audi. Sharjah's hot environment can put additional pressure on these fluids, so keeping them at the optimum levels and replacing them when necessary is essential. Audi repair in Sharjah can do extensive fluid checks and adjustments, ensuring that your car runs smoothly even in extreme temperatures.

    Tire Maintenance:

    Legitimate tyre upkeep is essential for your Audi's general presentation, eco-friendliness, and security. In Sharjah, where streets might go from smooth roads to rough, abandoned landscapes, keeping your tyres looking great is fundamental. Ordinary reviews of tyre track profundity, strain, and arrangement can assist with limiting lopsided wear and perilous victories. Audi fix areas can perform tyre turns, arrangements, and substitutions on a case-by-case basis, guaranteeing that your Audi quickly deals with the different street conditions in Sharjah.

    Brake Inspections:

    Brakes are critical for vehicle well-being. Audi proprietors in Sharjah should inspect their brakes consistently to guarantee they are working appropriately. Indications of brake wear, like shrieking or crushing commotions, ought to be cured promptly to keep away from additional harm and save street well-being. Audi administration areas in Sharjah give total brake checks and fixes, using unique Audi parts to guarantee the most significant level of value and reliability.

    Electrical System Check:

    Present-day Audi vehicles utilize complex electrical frameworks that deal with various undertakings, including amusement and security highlights. The electrical framework should be a standard premise to avoid shortcomings and ensure that all parts work appropriately. In Sharjah's current circumstance, where extreme temperatures can debase battery execution, it is essential to really look at battery status and supplant it depending on the situation. Audi administration areas can perform far-reaching electrical framework examinations, analyze issues, and provide quick fixes to keep your Audi moving along as expected.


    Owning a premium automobile, such as an Audi in Sharjah, is a gratifying experience but requires adequate maintenance. Following the rules mentioned in this maintenance guide and leaving your Audi to approved repair facilities in Sharjah will guarantee that your luxury car stays in top condition for many years to come. Regular service, fluid checks, tyre maintenance, brake inspections, and electrical system checks will allow you to confidently enjoy your Audi's exceptional performance and comfort on Sharjah's roads.

    أسعار العملات

    العملة شراء بيع
    دولار أمريكى 30.8414 30.9386
    يورو 33.6233 33.7416
    جنيه إسترلينى 39.3136 39.4498
    فرنك سويسرى 35.7085 35.8376
    100 ين يابانى 20.9592 21.0295
    ريال سعودى 8.2237 8.2501
    دينار كويتى 100.2745 100.6231
    درهم اماراتى 8.3959 8.4246
    اليوان الصينى 4.3105 4.3268

    أسعار الذهب

    متوسط سعر الذهب اليوم بالصاغة بالجنيه المصري
    الوحدة والعيار الأسعار بالجنيه المصري
    عيار 24 بيع 4,314 شراء 4,371
    عيار 22 بيع 3,955 شراء 4,007
    عيار 21 بيع 3,775 شراء 3,825
    عيار 18 بيع 3,236 شراء 3,279
    الاونصة بيع 134,174 شراء 135,951
    الجنيه الذهب بيع 30,200 شراء 30,600
    الكيلو بيع 4,314,286 شراء 4,371,429
    سعر الذهب بمحلات الصاغة تختلف بين منطقة وأخرى

    مواقيت الصلاة

    السبت 04:50 صـ
    20 محرّم 1446 هـ 27 يوليو 2024 م
    الفجر 03:31
    الشروق 05:11
    الظهر 12:02
    العصر 15:38
    المغرب 18:52
    العشاء 20:20

    استطلاع الرأي